Top Five Cybersecurity Trends That Will Dominate The Market In 2022

Emily Daniel
4 min readJan 17, 2022


Cyber attacks are not new, their occurrences are increasing in frequency as technology advances and the world becomes more digital. Cybercriminals can rob and reveal someone’s personal data, or even halt their entire operation if they divulge important information. 2021 observed the highest cost of a data breach in 17 years, with the cost rising from US $3.86 million to the US $4.24 million on yearly basis. Recent cyberattacks have targeted Facebook, Domino’s, Microsoft, and several other firms, and businesses have become increasingly exposed to damaging attacks as a result of the pandemic’s shift to remote employees.

Concerns About Cybersecurity

While firms must build security teams, it is critical to remember that cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. For example, in phishing, it is reported that trained personnel possess more chances of clicking on an email than untrained staff. Ascertaining the cybersecurity expertise of employees, contractors, and customers is critical for protecting the most important assets. And to accomplish this, it is critical for businesses to monitor current intelligence on cyberattacks and countermeasures. Rather than concealing flaws and sensitive information, communicating them to staff and implementing security procedures can save you from many troubles. In a world where danger lurks everywhere, teamwork is the only option to assure one’s safety.

5 Important Cybersecurity Trends to Watch in 2022

1. User Sensitization

The severity of cybercrimes has made businesses establish policies to strengthen their firm’s security. Organizations have also started taking steps towards maintaining user convenience and striking a balance between security and customer experience.

To protect the company’s reputation, it is vital to educate consumers on spotting and preventing network attacks. A lot of organizations are unfamiliar with the tactics deployed by cybercriminals. As a result, it is critical to spread awareness to the public to avoid such attacks. Many companies employ the internet, visual aids, and conventional classroom methods to train their staff. Additionally, the staff is trained on the proper handling and sharing of sensitive corporate information.

2. The Vulnerable Internet of Things (IoT)

The market for IoT is expected to reach higher levels in the coming years. As a result, the number of potential access points for criminals has significantly increased who seek to gain access to secure digital systems.

The IoT has long been recognized as a distinct threat in the past, assaults have included hackers gaining access to networks via linked domestic appliances such as refrigerators and kettles, and then moving on to PCs or smartphones where important data could be kept.

In 2022 as well, the attack on IoT devices will continue to happen. Edge computing devices and centralized cloud infrastructure are sensitive. Again, awareness and education, both are the most useful approaches to address these threats. Any cybersecurity strategy should always involve a complete audit of all devices that can be connected to or granted access to a network, as well as a thorough understanding of any vulnerabilities they may introduce.

3. Hackers Ramp Up Supply Chain Attacks

While cybercriminals have long targeted logistics operations, attacks on the supply chain appear to be increasing gradually. Due to the critical nature of the COVID-19 vaccine’s “cold chain,” as well as the widespread adoption of new smart devices and digital logistics management solutions, hackers are anticipated to target the supply chain more frequently. Additionally, as this has been the case in the majority of other businesses, the change to hybrid labor has introduced additional vulnerabilities.

Experts believe that headlines about supply chain cybercrime will increase in 2022. Ransomware assaults are certainly going to play a large role in this uptick in inactivity. Successful attacks could cause severe disruptions to global supply networks, slowing delivery and making raw material sourcing more difficult.

4. Cloud Security

As more enterprises and organizations migrate to the cloud, they rely on the best cloud management software solutions. However, the majority of cloud services do not currently include secure encryption, authentication, or audit logging. Also, some fail to separate customer information from other persons sharing cloud space. As a result, IT security professionals recognize the importance of tightening cloud security.

Inadequate cloud security settings can enable fraudsters to circumvent internal controls that protect sensitive data stored in the cloud database. Therefore, cloud safety protocols are evolving into inventive and preventive security to fight cybercriminals. Predictive security is proving to be beneficial in spotting dangers prior to attackers initiating their attack. It is capable of identifying attacks that bypass other endpoint security measures.

5. Governments Committed to Develop 5G Networks

Today, the digital revolution is highly reliant on device connectivity for sharing data. A high-performance network like 5G (or 6G possibly) is needed to achieve this efficiently. Considering a smart’s city’s dependency on telecommunication, a lot of cities have announced 5G networks to be their national infrastructure. Their protection has become a matter of national defense. In short, “security by design” is important for a secure 5G network, as it discloses safety concerns early in the development process.

In a Nutshell

With businesses shifting towards digital work operations it is impossible for them to avoid cyber attacks. As cybercriminals are becoming more sophisticated in their evil tactics, businesses are required to come up with even more efficient security protocols. Advanced cybersecurity trends provide an edge to businesses to secure their operations from cyberattacks.



Emily Daniel

Emily is a tech writer, with expertise in entrepreneurship, and business marketing. She has a knack for technology, & loves to dig out the latest trends in AI.